Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Getting Rid of Gender Discrimination

Gender has always been a hot issue in the workplace. Many employees and job applicants claim that they have been discriminated against in relation to their sex. First of all, any type of discrimination is prohibited by both federal and state laws. Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act in particular, anyone who will be caught discriminating against employees based on gender would be punished.

If you are an employee and your employer still conducts such violations, you can take legal action and file a gender discrimination case. The following are some of the things you need to make sure before submitting a gender discrimination case:
  • You were not hired or promoted by your employer, or you did not have a salary increase because of your gender.
  • Your employer or coworkers have stereotyped you based on your sex. Some employers require their female employees to wear skirts because they look too “manly” wearing slacks. This is a kind of gender stereotyping and harassment.
  • You have informed your employer about your complaint, but he did not do anything about it.
  • There are witnesses that have seen how you have been discriminated against in the workplace. Aside from witnesses you may also get other discrimination victims of the defendant and file a class action lawsuit against him.
  • Your performance at work has been affected by the discriminatory actions committed against you.The only way to resolve the dispute is to file a gender discrimination case.
Taking your complaint into court is one of the best ways to stop discrimination in the workplace. In taking legal actions against the responsible individual or parties, you will need a discrimination attorney to fight on your side. With his expertise and enriched experience regarding gender discrimination disputes, he would be a valuable addition to your party in pursuing the case.

Discrimination dispute cases are expensive as far as employers are concerned. Because of this they would take retaliatory actions against you in order for you not to submit the dispute. You should remember though that once you have filed a formal complaint against your employer you are placed in a protected state. This means any retaliatory actions against you would be considered additional violations of the employer.

Winning a gender discrimination case is relatively easy as long as you have a reliable attorney handling your lawsuit. Once you have won the case, no one would ever dare to discriminate against you in the workplace.

The Mesriani Law Group has a wide range of legal resources as we work with the best lawyers and litigators in each state across the United States. We offer a unique attorney directory where you can find a lawyer's location and area of practices. For more information contact Mesriani Law Group at 310-826-6300 or visit the main office at 12400 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 810 Los Angeles CA 90025.

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