There are different types of automobile accidents on the road that may happen to you, one of which is a rear-end collision. Getting rear-ended is probably the most common automobile accident in the US, accounting for nearly 2.5 million of the total average number of accidents that happen each year.
If you were left severely injured in a rear-end collision, you need to get help from a Los Angeles automobile accident attorney immediately.
A rear-end collision occurs when the vehicle behind crashes onto the backside or rear of the vehicle in front. This kind of accident may also happen when a train crashes onto a preceding train. Even if it usually occurs at low speed, occupants of the car are still likely to get whiplash or herniation, which are only two of the possible injuries that they can acquire.
According to studies, majority of rear-end crashes are caused by driving or following the vehicle in front too closely, or tailgating. In order to determine if you are at a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you, look for a fixed object on the road. Observe the vehicle as it passes the said object. If it took you at least four seconds before passing by the same fixed object, then the distance is adequate. Otherwise, you need to reduce speed in order to move farther away from the car in front.
Keep in mind the following tips too to avoid getting rear-ended.
- Adjust the outside and inside mirrors in order to get a clear view of the back. Keep them clean.
- Flash your brake light when you are preparing stop or when you need to move slowly. Clean your brake lights as well.
- Check to see if the brakes are working properly.
- Signal when turning or changing lanes.
- Keep your car in a speed that allows you to pace with traffic, but still complies with the speed limit. Observe the weather conditions as well.
- If possible, get rid of tailgaters by slowing down gradually. If this does not work, change lines safely.
- Stay away from other the motorists’ blind spots.
Like any other kind of automobile accident, a rear-end collision caused by the negligence of a third party will make you eligible to receive damages. If you were injured severely, seek help from a Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney of Mesriani Law Group to know the amount of damages you deserve to be awarded with. Call (310) 826-6300 now.
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